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Request Membership in this Homeschool Co-op
indicates a required answer
Welcome! This form is for any prospective members interested in scheduling a visit to our co-op.
What to expect: 11:00AM - arrive at church, 11:05-11:30 - tour of facilities, 11:30 AM - Q & A, 12:00 - join us for a packed lunch in our gym (optional)
Please stop by our welcome desk (the large entrance) to pick up your visitor tags. All adults must have the appropriate tag while in the building. Any visiting children must stay with their parent(s). Children cannot participate in classes (including gym) while visiting.
Please contact [email protected] with questions about membership, thank you.
(Please note that visitors are not permitted to join classes before or after the tour without prior permission from the registrar and the classroom teachers.)
Date of visit:
Ages of kids coming (as of the time you would be joining the co-op):
Age of students you prefer to work with / teach if you become a member of our co-op:
Please give us your email address so we can contact you about your visit. Thanks!